This is the first official ByteBash Game Jam. Feel free to join, explore, and network with others. This game jam is currently 100% online, but may develop an in-person side within the future.
We hope you enjoy the facilities, and can create some splendid games for your portfolios. Every game created, will be played and streamed live by us. So if you wish to watch that you can find our Twitch below.
A GameJam is a communal place where fellow game enthusiasts can get together and create games. Just for fun. No reason than just trying to create something in a small span of time, which features a theme. The theme can range from anything, such as Winter, or Light V Dark and more. A GameJam can be considered a competition, but most just enjoy themselves creating games.
Basically, A GameJam is for the people by the people. What we mean by that, is anyone can host a GameJam, and anyone can join a GameJam. You might find hosting one is more fun than joining one, or not. Some GameJam's have rewards, others do not. We do not. Sadly.
To Be Announced
Theme Voting, here
Feel free to join our discord to connect with us and others who may or may not join.
Join or Follow the Twitch, so you can view us stream the games crafter in this Jam.
Feel free to browse out Etsy store, this is used in an attempt to fund our own projects.
ByteBash Discord -
The Twitch -
Our Etsy -
At this precise moment, we have no previous winners. Due to this being our first jam ever. But check back here after, maybe you'll see your creation here.
Here you can find a list of potentially useful sources, especially if this is your first ever game jam, or even game creations.
New to Game Creation or need a refresher, Check these out.