Welcome to the Caribbean Pizza Party! This game jam has you competing with other devs for a pizza! Yes, if you win you'll get a pizza - no gimmicks! We know that not every Caribbean country has straightforward options, but we'll find a way!!!
Games will be ranked with these criteria (in no order):
Anything! Unity, Godot, Unreal, Assembly, Game Maker, Phaser, LรVE, - once you got a playable game it's all good. Follow your heart! And feel free to ask for advice on the Discord channel.
Try to export to the major desktop/mobile platforms as you can. HTML5 exports allow for almost anyone to play your game!
The old adage holds true - different strokes for different folks. However, given that it's only a weekend, time management is key! Plan for about 1 day of work out of the 3, see what the essential things are. If you accomplish your MVP, then great, you can spice it up in another 1/2 day iteration! If things roll over, you'll still have time! The best advice is to work on the most important things so that you have a working game as soon as possible.
Also, take note of the criteria. Cater for all facets of your game in the project's time frame!
Looking for team members? Want some advice? Got a complaint to get your chest? No one would get you better than other game developers, it also wouldn't hurt to say hi!
Join the Jammin Discord community!