Submissions open from 2025-02-02 22:00:00 to 2025-02-17 22:00:00
Submissions due in

About The Jam: 

Where we're all about taking it easy and having fun. Forget the usual stress of game development – this Jam is your chance to kick back and get creative without worrying if it's perfect. You've got 14 Days, from February 2nd to February 17th, to design, build, and publish a working game demo. Game Jams are a great way to test ideas, build on your skills, and meet other awesome creative people.


Main Theme: "Reverse"

Additional Theme: "Space"

Wild Card: "Procrastination"

how you interpret it is entirely up to you! Be creative, think outside the box, and most importantly, have fun bringing your vision to life. The Additional Theme AND the Wildcard theme are 100% optional, For those wanting an added challenge

Key Details

  • Jam Duration: February 2nd to February 17th, 2025
  • Submission deadline: All games must be submitted to by the end of the jam.
  • There will be a 3 day late submission period

Creating a Team

Game development is more fun with the right team! Join the #team-up channel on the Chill Devs Discord Server to connect with other developers. Need an artist, sound designer, or just want to brainstorm and share ideas? Find your dream team on our Discord! (There is no MAX team size, but to keep things easier to manage we recommend no more than 5 members)

Discord Link: Prefer to go solo? That’s great too! This jam is all about making your game your way. and having fun while making it


The TOP 3 Games will be featured in the Chill Devs Discord along with their respective links and credits. Winners also may be featured in a YouTube Video going over entries or on a Live Stream.


The rating for this jam is judged by the community and yourselves. The ratings that determined the winner will be

  1. Fun: Is the game enjoyable and engaging?
  2. Theme Integration: How creatively and effectively does this game use the chosen theme?
  3. Visuals: Are the graphics well made and appealing
  4. Gameplay innovation: Is the gameplay innovative and interesting


1. No NSFW (Not Safe For Work) Content is to be submitted, This includes: Sexual Content, Nudity, hate speech or anything that violates policies. Tasteful blood/gore and video game violence is allowed. 

2. Whether you're a lone wolf or prefer a crew, teams are welcome (While there is no max number of team members, We suggest no more than 5 to keep things simple and easy).

3. All code and assets should be created during the jam, pre made assets are allowed if you have the rights to use them and they weren’t made specifically for the jam

4. Every game engine is allowed: Use any game engine or tools you prefer to create your game, No matter what engine you use, please keep in mind that you need to make a working Downloadable version And/OR a web based version (WebGL or other) so everyone has an opportunity to play your game! 

Submitted so far(3)

All submissions
Windows (2)
Linux (2)
The Addition Theme(s) where used! (1)
The Additional Theme(s) where NOT used (2)

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