Check out Curdle Games on Twitch.tv!
I play all your games on stream right at the end of the jam!

Showcase starts after jam at 3:45pm EST.
Read the Rules and FAQs for info on how to get your game played.

Hang out with our Game Dev Community

The theme for Curdle Jam 35 is:
Optional Challenge:
Incorporate a Day/Night cycle into your game

Curdle Jam happens every few months, so stick around in the discord if you like!
🔷Jammers of any skill level are welcome to participate.
🔷Forming teams is encouraged, but you can fly solo if you want.
🔷Use the Discord server to chat with other jammers and form teams.
🔷Using pre-made assets is fine as long as you credit the source and have permission to use them.
🔷This is an unranked jam. There are no prizes. Think of it more like a community showcase than a competition.
🔷There will be a submission stream on twitch at the end of the jam where your game will be showcased.
🔷Details on that will be posted in the discord near submission time.
🔷Only web builds are played on stream.

Check out the amazing and super fun submissions to previous Curdle Jams!

✅ You're only allowed to work on the game during the jam period.
✅ The game must adhere to the theme.
✅ It must be clear your game was made specifically for Curdle Jam.
✅ Your game must be a web build that is playable from your itch.io page in order to be played on stream.
✅ It needs to have appropriate sound effects and music to be heard on stream.
🚫 No previously existing games or projects.
🚫 No jam spamming. Your game cannot be submitted to any other jams.
🚫 No hateful or sexual content, and no excessive gore. Mild violence is fine, because they're games, but keep it SFW.
🚫 No flashing lights or sudden loud noises.
🚫 No AI-generated assets/workflow.

🔷Commit to finishing 🔸Even if things go wrong, submit what you made.
🔷Keep your scope small 🔸A polished demo beats an unfinished mess.
🔷Rely on your team 🔸Let people in your team know your skill level so they can help you set achievable goals.
🔷Communicate openly and honestly 🔸If you're having trouble or can't make it, don't leave your team members hanging.

❓ How do you decide the theme?
🗨️ I created a long list of potential themes and decide which one to use right before the jam starts. Sometimes I improvise.
❓ Do you participate in the game jam as well?
🗨️ Yes.
❓ Will I be disqualified if my game is not a web build?
🗨️ No, but I will not be playing your game on stream unless it is a web build.
❓ Is this jam ranked? Is there a prize? Is this meant to be competitive?
🗨️ No.
❓ How long do you play each game on stream?
🗨️ Roughly 10 minutes. Avoid adding filler to your game, as I may take longer to play the game than you think. Keep your gameplay concise and engaging.
❓ Why didn't you play all my levels / beat the whole game?
🗨️ Your game was either too difficult, had too many levels, or too much content in general. You're welcome to include as much content as you like, but don't expect it to be played to the end in that case.
❓ Why didn't you watch all the cut scenes / listen to all the voice acting / read all my text / dialogue?
🗨️ If it is well presented and palatable for me then I will enjoy it as intended, but I will likely skip it, especially if I start finding it too long or just plain boring. I *highly* recommend making your cut scenes and dialogue skip-able if there are more than a few short lines.
❓ Can I submit my game to multiple jams?
🗨️ No. If I notice a game was submitted to another jam, I will remove the submission. However, what you do with your game after I review it on stream is entirely up to you.
❓ Do I need to submit a web build to participate?
🗨️ If you want your game to be played on the submission stream, it needs to be a web build. In addition to that, far more jam participants and players will play your game if it is a web build. You are welcome to submit a different type of build with that in mind.
❓ Will you be developing the entire game on your stream?
🗨️ Depends on my role in the jam, but I usually do a chunk of the more fun development stuff on stream. You may see me programming or working on design stuff, but you will more often see parts of the process that are visually easier to understand, like 3D modeling, animation, and direct implementation.
❓ Am I expected to use the entire duration of the jam to make my game?
🗨️ No, that is not recommended. Figure out how much *free* time you think you'll have within the jam period, and scope for half of that. That usually works out okay.
❓ Am I supposed to use the theme in a specific way to qualify for submission?
🗨️ How you interpret the theme is up to you, and you will be asked to provide an explanation in the submission forms. The theme helps identify that your game was made for this jam, so keep that in mind at least a little bit when making it, otherwise I will think you're submitting a random game
❓ Why did you start Curdle Jam and why have you hosted so many?
🗨️ I love game jams and wanted my own community of friends to make games with! Doing these jams keeps me sharp, and it's a nice break from the routine. It is also just so much fun. I love seeing what everyone creates, and playing all of your games on stream at the end and seeing your reactions is very rewarding.

Thanks for making it to the end of the page! Have fun jamming~