Submissions open from 2025-02-01 16:00:00 to 2025-02-16 00:00:00
Voting ends in
Submission is closed and voting is now in progress

Welcome to the first ever CYBRPUNK JAM!

What is the CYBRPUNK JAM?

The CYBRPUNK JAM is a jam dedicated to exploring the cyberpunk genre through games! We want to see the themes that make cyberpunk, cyberpunk. This includes, but is not limited too:

  • High-tech, low-life
  • Late stage capitalism
  • Augmentation
  • AI
  • Consequences of emerging/new technologies

The CYBRPUNK JAM also has a discord! Here you talk about all thing cyberpunk, find team mates/people to collab with, and share you progress!

Discord invite link:




  • Teaming up is encouraged but teams can be no more then 5 people.
  • Submissions must run in the browser (HTML5) or have exports for Windows, Linux, and Mac. Having a web export it highly encouraged but sometimes web exports don't work as they should and I understand that.
  • NSFW is okay, such as violence and gore, but NO PORNAGRAPHY OF ANY KIND! Please label your games as NSFW if necessary.
  • No AI-Generated content is allowed.
  • You can only use assets you have the rights too. Teaming up is encouraged to let talented people create great assets for your game! Paid and free assets are okay too. Again, just make sure you have the rights to use them.
  • No new content can be uploaded to your game after the submission period is over. The only exceptions can be GAME BREAKING bugs.
  • You must include the theme in some way.
  • This is an exclusive jam meaning if you make a game for another jam, you cannot submit to this jam and vis versa.
  • Any entry that fails to follow these rules can be removed at the organizers discretion.


When is the jam? The CYBRPUNK JAM is hosted on the first Saturday of every month.

What game engine can I use? Any engine you'd like or you could even make you're own engine. If you do use your own custom engine, please let us know cause that's hella cool!

Can I use things I've already made? Yes and no. Your game should be unique and not a reskin of a previous game. That said, feel free to reuse general things like assets and scripts the help speed up the process.

Can I use generative AI tools? No. If you struggle with art, music, coding, or anything else, you might consider collaborating! You can find team mates by making a post in the community tab or by joining the CYBRPUNK JAM discord!

Will there be a prize? Other then a good feeling? No. I will announce the winner in the discord server though.


After the jam ends, a one week voting period will begin. Jam participants and any contributors will be judging games on the following:

  • Cyberpunkness: Is the game cyberpunk?
  • Theme: How well did the game follow the theme?
  • Music and Audio: How good was the music? How about the audio?
  • Fun: Was the game fun?
  • Originality: Were you pleasantly surprised by some game mechanic or design in the game?


All submissions
Browser playable (2)
Windows (1)
macOS (1)
Linux (1)

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