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Which Mac os are you running.?
Are you using stuffit? Try unzipping with the unarchiver. Make sure all games are 64bit if using Catalina and higher which looks like you are. Do a system update check and check drivers. If you are running and Intel based Mac install windows on it aswell using bootcamp. It's much easier having the best of both worlds.
This game is awesome. It's some kind of medieval sandbox open world game that features split screen play if desired. It even ran ok on 256mb integrated gpu on a core 2 duo. Hours of fun here check it out!!
No point unless you are aiming at kids. Most people born before 2000 won't know what it is. I get people all the time asking what it is. Most people assume it's just another Facebook. Same with twitch it's just a YouTube clone.
Wouldn't bother although I found some helpful stuff on there but not really worth having for most adults going forward
I'll tell ya why people don't trust steam. DRMs plus they still sell games on there that's don't really run on windows 10-11. There is also terrible support. Windows 8 support dropped on their launcher. Windows 8 is from what 2013?? They dropped support for Mac os Mojave in February 2024. An operating system from 2018. I'd be pretty pissed if I'd paid for games only to get a few years out of them. The gen Z kids don't know any better so they just go along with it. I only found out what steam was during COVID. I've spoken the numerous people around the 30-40 age group and they refuse to buy into this online DRM type of stuff. I'd say the days of these big Ubisoft/Steam type subscriptions are probably past their prime. GoG has no DRMs people trust it so they use it. It's a much better business model.