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Introduce yourself! Sticky

A topic by tesselode created Nov 30, 2015 Views: 141,246 Replies: 2,427
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There's no introductions thread yet, so I guess I'll have to make one! Tell us about yourself!

I'm tesselode, I make simple 2D games with LÖVE. I also make electronic music, although I haven't been doing that as much as I should be. Music is a lot less straightforward to make than games, so it gets pretty tricky. So I've been focusing on games lately. I also make some libraries for LÖVE occasionally.

OK, your turn!




dude why


lol cheeky

Deleted 42 days ago
Deleted 2 years ago

idk man people find out how to do weird ass shit


Deleted 42 days ago





Hi I am BR_FOX I have been working very hard on a game and I need some people too test it and find bugs. Then leave some reviews so I know what to work on. If you are interested visit



BR_FOX, i'd be happy to do a review of your game, but may i do it while streaming? if you are okay with that do you mind posting it here: doing Stream Reviews returns! - General Discussion - 

thank you

I give you full permission

This was 6 years ago, I do not think tesselode will reply.



Hey I'm Breogán Hackett. I've been making games with unity for 2 years but sometimes mess around in processing and twine.

I have recently started college. I managed to get into a good computer course based on my experience programming in java and C#. For my course I am currently pulling an all nighter working on an online multiplayer battleship game and wrestling with bugs. I have also recently made a text based adventure game system for my course (I might be doing more work on it and putting it on GitHub over Christmas).

In my spare time I like to make games with procedural generation and also I like to make chiptune that isn't very good but I hope is getting more better.

If you use twitter lots please follow me.

My pizza is here now so I'll stop typing but if you haven't tried out my games please check them out and maybe even consider "paying what you want" ;)


Oooh cool! I wish I could make games lol xD

I wouldn't be good at it tho haha :)


Want to help me make a game


Thats Amazing

Deleted 3 years ago

Show post...


Hello! My name is Damien, and I make RPG's. I currently only have one out, Legend of Moros, that has about 30 hours of gameplay. It took 2 1/2 years to make, mostly because I had to learn how to do pixel art, game design and balance, and do a lot of re-writes for the story. I know pretty minimal coding; I'm currently working on a tabletop system since I enjoy working on game design and worldbuilding most of all. I spend most of my time either working on games or reading about them.

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wow a 30 hour rpg in only 2 years. That's impressive! I always wanted to try an rpg after I made my very first game but it just seemed like too much for me.


Rpgs are a lot of work if you're trying to make tons of characters, and enemies, and write a story, and sidequests... I'm working on a 99 character rpg currently, so I often let my ideas get too... ambitious.

I'd recommend really trying to limit your game scope to 1 party of 3-5 characters and a pretty simple dungeon or map if you want to try making one. I believe anyone can make an rpg, it's just a matter of keeping your scope small on your first ones to prevent burnout. You'll learn a lot from it though, like how to stick to one overall mechanic for combat and how to balance groups of characters/monsters both against and with each other.


That's good advice. I did have an idea in mind for a battle mechanic, but I wanted a way to cut out the need to grind exp and still keep enemies engaging and fun to fight. That's where I ran into a block.


You could remove experience entirely, but there's typically a sense of progression you want the player to have. Could have it where after certain points/events characters gain new skills, opening up more options during combat. Likewise with equipment and items.


Yeah changing equipment and exploring the world to find it or get it from side quests would be ideal I think. Then there's no grinding involved so that's a good idea. But it makes me wonder then why have monsters in the first place? They'd have to serve some kind of purpose other than just be in your way. Maybe just give them item drops and cash for killing them that can be used for upgrading equipment ?


You could go for that route, or have it be for story-related reasons.


I'll think about it. But hey thanks man ths was helpful.

hey i'm TJ

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my name is taylor, i make small 2d games out of pixels and haxepunk.

currently working on a planet exploration game i talked about in a little more detail in the games you are making thread


Hello my name is SupermanNumber1

Deleted 3 years ago

Hi! My name is Eric Neuhaus and I make games with a few super talented people under the name Virtually Competent. We've been making a lot of 2D pixel-y stuff with Construct 2 for about 2 years now.

Our current project is a music sequencer "game" being designed specifically for a large touchscreen surface in the children's section of the Iowa City Public Library, but we've got a bunch of other stuff in the pipe for 2016.

You can follow me on Twitter if you're into that sort of thing!


> Our current project is a music sequencer "game" being designed specifically for a large touchscreen surface in the children's section of the Iowa City Public Library, but we've got a bunch of other stuff in the pipe for 2016.

That sounds incredibly cool. Got photos?


Sure! Here's one my musician took just yesterday when we were testing it out at the library.

And here are some tweets with images/gifs/video:

Currently, we're just releasing on the table in January, but we plan on putting the game on iOS/Android/etc six months after that.

Eric Neuhaus (@donkeyspaceman)




Oh, sounds interesting, any screenshots?

(2 edits) (+6)

Hello world (of! My name is Jens, I'm a Finnish student/game dev/music enthusiast. I often try to make music, but I probably don't do it enough since I never come up with anything good. So, I'm mainly a programmer.

I make weird little games, only a few of which ever get developed to the point where I release them to the public.

Also, since it seems like everyone else in this thread is doing it, here's my Twitter too.

You are capable of creating good music too, i belive in you.

(1 edit) (+7)

Hello, I'm Nik Sudan. I enjoy making games, websites and music. I enjoy making pixelly games that focus on the fun factor more than anything. Currently working towards finishing my first commercial project - Grimstorm. My notable projects (unfortunately) include Super Squat Simulator, Soopah Doopah Poopah, and Protocol.

You can check out my portfolio to see a list of all my works, or follow me on Twitter to keep up with happenings.


Hey I'm Casey! I have been making games since I was 12 years old (Gamemaker 6.1 back then!!!) and now I stick to Java games with LibGDX.

I really want to motivate myself to complete a small game just so I can show it off that I can complete something!

I really don't have any recent completed works to show off on mostly because I used to study and work full-time but now I'm just working full-time.

Oh, I also do some DooM modding on the side too :)

Nice to meet everyone!


> I really want to motivate myself to complete a small game

This is the right idea. Start incredibly small, manageably small. Small games actually get finished.

Just like learning to play an instrument (I'm learning ukulele), the tip is to go slow, as slow as you need to, and practice, practice, practice. So what I see some people do for practice is to hack a game you love or hack a bunch of them and mash them together.  For example, a friend took a game set in old England and changed the setting and character tropes to fit an 80's movie. I played both original and hack, and they're both terrific. Actually I loved the hack so much more because I know 80s more than old England.  So tweak a favorite game to fit what you're into, and then play the new game. It'll give you a sense of mechanics and pace, etc. 


Yay for #TeamLibGDX! :D

(2 edits) (+6)

Good day, good people!

I'm a solo indie game developer from small country called Lithuania. I've been taking this gamedev thing quite seriously for a couple of years now and made a bunch of small 2D arcade/action/casual games using GameMaker:Studio & Inkscape. Nothing to write home about or to quit my job for, but I'm slowly moving forward (just got one my games Greenlit). Currently working on Cave Blast, a chaotic jetpack shmup with crazy weapons and powerups.

Previously I did a lot of web development and some iOS/Android app making.

I may or may not have an unhealthy obsession about piglets and it's quite visible in my games. In my defense, pig-like characters are pretty easy to draw.

Most of my games are available to play in your browser right here, all of them are free and some of them have mobile versions. If you'd like to chat or follow what I do - find me on Twitter!

Good luck and have fun!

Tried a couple of your browser games, they are very nice! Digging the vector art and the way it plays!


You look so laborious, good luck in your projects and in your life!


Hi! I'm hexdie, and I've been making games now for about 1.5 years. I am a programmer professionally but I don't work on games there, so I make games on the side. I code games using HaxeFlixel and I make the music and art as well. I'm currently working on a Zelda-like game that's still pretty early in development. If you're interested, you can find me on Twitter.


I remember playing Frazzle Dazzle and thinking it was the cutest thing ever :)


:D That's great to hear! I'm glad you liked it!


Oh, these colours are amazing!


Thanks! :D


Yo, I'm Pirate-Rob! I've been coding in game maker since, er, 7 something years ago maybe? Not sure, either way, I love making games and, even though I missed the last 3 or so, I love doing ludum dare compos~

Currently polishing up Roses and Gems for steam release! Hoping it does well enough that I can justify working on game dev longer, but we'll see.

Nice to meet you all! (Cept Snoutup, 2piglet4me)


Yo. If your game's been greenlit maybe you need to change the banner you're showing on the itch page to something to indicate that?


Oh, yeah, I probably should XD


Hey, I'm Alec. I've been making games for a while now, including Venusian Vengeance, Tales of the Renegade Sector, and Ninja Outbreak. You can find my games here.

I'm currently working on a 3D run'n'gun called Cold Vengeance, which is a followup to Venusian Vengeance.

I'm on twitter and tumblr.

I've also seen about 30 Godfrey Ho movies.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello, I'm Vincent, gamedev from Paris, France. Currently working on QLRZ (colorz) an action/puzzle game.


Hey creators,

My name is Dakota and I'm a game developer / educator sort of thing...

Anyways I pretty much just follow Snoutup around the place so since they're here so am I :P

If you want to know more about what I'm doing you can check out this thread here.

Keep creating,

Dakota of LDE


Hi I'm Ben. I've been making games some handful of years now with Game Maker 8 and now Game Maker Studio.

I've mostly made platformers although I have dabbled some in other genres such as RPGs, rogue-likes, puzzles games, and arcade games. You may know me for the Gears don't Grind, Super Skeleman, and Skelemania. I'm currently doing a lot of experimental stuff but hopefully I'll start working on something bigger again soon.


Really like your games! Any medium i can contact you just to talk and stuff?


Thanks! Twitter (@GamesByBen) or email ( are both good for chattin'

Deleted post

you're replying to a post from 6 years ago, but the answer conveniently is the same now as it would have been when i originally posted this. i use gamemaker because i like it, and i continue to use it because i continue to like it.

Deleted post

Hello, I'm Tilde from Backslash Network, a Youtube channel where we usually play indie games from Itchio. We also play Minecraft (we have a really funny new series running now: check it out) and cat games. Yes.

We, Backslash and I, are always working on making games but we never publish. I do art such as concept art too, music and I'm a proofreader/translator. I hope I can help out around here and see more people happy. :)


Hi there! I'm Vaida. I've been making games for almost two years. I enjoy creating small autobiographical experiments and generally weird stuff, which includes a game with no visuals and another one about procrastination. I participate in One Game A Month; sometimes I write music. I really enjoy fiddling around in game-making tools such as Construct 2 and Twine, as they are incredibly accessible and enable superfast prototyping.

Also, I enjoy reading/watching talks about game development and never being able to reduce my ever-growing list of bookmarks related to that makes me sad.

Nice to meet y'all. :)


Aw yiss Vaida in the place! Can't wait to see more of your work :)

Aw thanks Amos! I just couldn't pass by an opportunity to get involved in this, even though I've never been a forum person. Currently thinking about more diverse small projects centered around autobiographical games :)


Yeaaaah, I remember your "I HATE HALLOWEEN" game. It was fun. :)

Nice Tumblr blog's title, btw. :D


And I remember how cool Project MONSTER was! Glad to see you taking it further, and I hope the blog's title had the desired effect :p


Hi there~ I'm Morgana, and I've been making/helping others make Visual Novels since 2011. I do art for GUIs, I program in Ren'Py and Fungus, and I compose music. I also write, proofread, and edit. I'm currently working on too many projects to list at the moment.

Visual Novels are cool, I'm messing with one in Game Maker as a side project. I never heard of Fungus but I looked at Ren'Py, what kind of VNs have you worked on?

I've worked on That Cheap and Sacred Thing, both Culina games, and currently I'm working on A More Beautiful World and Purrfectly Ever After. :3


My corgi is constantly in my games or in other peoples games as easter eggs. Ha You can fing pictures of my pup here!


I guess if I had a cute corgi I would do the same thing.


Let's be honest, aren't they all pretty damn cute?



I know you! :) (vaguely, not IRL, don't worry... haha... I don't actually stalk people... usually).


Oh snap~! I am known! :D


Hi, I'm really interested in these visual novels, how is it that they're created? Do you use specific software, or are they created using any game making software? 


Hey! I hope you enjoy your time with VNs! So  the nice thing is that there is a good variety of engines and tools to make Visual Novels. I use Ren'Py for most projects, but I've also used Fungus and Visual Novel Maker. There are also tools for GameMaker Studio. Thecommunity for Ren'Py is really helpful for trying out making VNs, no matter what engine or tools you use. Good luck! :)


i use mainly renpy too

Deleted post

Hi all. I'm Raygan Kelly and I'm a podcaster. I do a show called The Short Game where we discuss (ready for it?) short video games. I'm excited to see starting a forum, because I'm working on a new podcast about the platform and community. I'm currently seeking a co-host and guests and I'd love to hear what people would want out of an community podcast!

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