Submissions open from 2024-05-01 04:00:00 to 2024-06-01 03:59:59
Submissions due in


Create a mini game during the month of May and submit it. The keyword here is MINI(game). Make something that is small, simple, and (hopefully) polished.

Although this is a month long jam, you should not necessarily work on your project all month. Hopefully you will be able to complete your core idea in a couple days and then polish the idea over the course of the month. Try making new things/ideas rather than a polished game with a lot of content. Large polished projects are still welcome though.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please join the Discord or post in the Itch Community for the jam.


The theme is Wizards!

This is an OPTIONAL theme, you will not be rated on it explicitly but raters can consider it when rating you for "Innovation".

(Also most games that place top 3 or do well tend to follow the theme)


1. Submissions can be in ANY format (Windows, Web, GB Studio, Pen and Paper, Smart Fridge App,  ANYTHING). However you may not get many ratings if you pick a weird format so I recommend making sure your game is playable on Windows or Web.

2. Game must be started and "finished" within the month.

3. Reusing old code and assets is totally fine. Using an old project and updating it is fine, as long as:

  • Its a relatively incomplete/small project
  • You haven't submitted it to a previous "Minigame A Month" jam
  • You significantly develop/improve it this month.

4. Teams of any size are allowed

5. You must have permission/rights for any 3rd party asset you use

Spam Rules

I've done a couple of these jams and noticed a lot of spam games are submitted to month long jams. Entering multiple jams is OK but if your game seems really low effort and unrelated to the jam I may remove it. I've made some rules about spam games:

1. People should not need to spend any money to play your game. Games should be free to play, or offer a free demo over the course of the jam, and during the rating period. ANY GAME NOT FOLLOWING THIS RULE WILL BE REMOVED.

2.You can submit your game to other jams, however if I see the game is not following the theme and has been submitted to 10+ jams, I may remove it based on it looking like spam. Post in the community if you feel your game was unfairly removed, and I may revert it.

3. A lot of the spam games tend to be android games with only APKs and terrible descriptions (ChatGPT nonsense). I will remove most APKs that look like spam, and advise people to not download them.


Voting/rating will conclude 7 days after the end of the jam, and games will be ranked based on these ratings:

  1. Overall/Fun - How much you enjoyed the entry overall?
  2. Innovation/Theme - How original or novel is the idea? If it used the theme did it use it well?
  3. Polish - How polished/complete is the game? (Are the graphics/sound/writing good, is the UI well designed, does it feel complete, etc)


The top 3 entries will be sent prizes. Prizes are all sourced from participants, and will be sent to the email/discord username provided on submission. If you would like to submit some steam keys or digital goods as prizes please join the Discord and ask in the #general or #prizes channel

Prizes for this month:

  1. PictoPull Steam Key
  2. PictoPull Steam Key
  3. PictoPull Steam Key

Submitted so far(11)

All submissions
Browser playable (5)
Windows (3)
macOS (1)
Linux (3)

No submissions match your filter

A short cyberpunk adventure zine 🤖
A small scenario of gothic horror that fits on a playing card
Use magic and draw on maps to transform your community.
Simple retro arcade game abourt cars
grow plants in this awesome first of its kind plant clicker.
Play in browser
Join a clumsy penguin on a journey to fly!
Play in browser
The world is full of dreamers
Pong meets brick breaker! There are now bricks with power ups between the 2 players!
Play in browser
A minigame submission for the Minigame a Month Jam
Card Game
Play in browser