Physical game Devlogs
Hi Everyone! Thanks for your patience over the last week, since I haven't been super active on the Discord. I've been sick with the flu, so I took the opportuni...
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[EN] I always have my eye on you Once upon a time, there were the Guardians of a Village. Now it was their duty to assuage the villagers' guilt and understand w...
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Devlog : Mise à Jour des Règles et Guide de Tour Illustré ! Salut à tous ! 👋 Grande nouvelle pour L’Impasse Mexicaine (Deck-Building) ! 🎴 J’ai mis...
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For the DEMO version, all I did was further improved the legibility, and also changed the links to the survey to an official newsletter signup form instead (it'...
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Welp, that's Development paid for! Hopefully this just means more content for y'all to sink your teeth into. I'd imagine so. With Development underway, let's lo...
Ho ricevuto diversi playtest e il gioco è andato più che bene. L'unica cosa cambiata è che ora potete mettere in gioco perché combattete ottenendo un dado d...
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Wow! 1.1 is finally here!!! It probably should have been uploaded a while ago, but life keeps on happening… Despite that, I’m really happy with a lot of the...
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Greetings Witch of High Rannoc, It seems a new book has been found in your lost mentor's library. A tome called " Dance of Seasons " which provides new Events f...
Here we are. For the last time I would have hoped to have given you more. Projects change scope, growing larger, unmanageable. It is a bad habit of mine. Anothe...
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Hi All! Man its been some long crazy months. Between starting a new job, having a new baby and many sleepiness nights of listening to my old power metal CDs, I...
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Thanks so much for taking an interest in Ail! Now that it's finally posted, I wanted to talk about some of how the game was created, and what my process for mak...
Howdy folks! It's been a week since release, and I'm already humbled by the attention all of this has gotten! Ironbound Shadows is a project long in the making...
False Hope – Session Zero Summary The Forge: A Galaxy of Peril and Promise The Forge is a galaxy of remnants and ruins, shaped by catastrophe, conflict, and t...
The main content of Hermit Crab has been finished! The project currently contains only the core gameplay, with more to come. Next Steps: As mentioned on the pag...
The main content of Godslayer has been finished! The project currently contains: - Core gameplay - 1 Optional (bonus) rule Next Steps: Cleaning up some of the m...
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Changed the zine completely, with character examples and space for a map! As well as a little more description to the setting...
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Hi everyone ! While I'm thrilled to have finally released a first beta version of Ephemora, there is still a lot (a looooot) of things I plan on doing, changing...
Greetings, Dan here! It's been a few weeks since There Is No Outside released as part of the Minimalist Game Jam. Since then, I've been hard at work expanding w...
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Howdy! Well pards, it's finally happened. I've made a new version of Setting Sun, one that I hope will be the final version of my beloved game. There were the P...
The latest patch to Wa.Zal was developed almost simultaneously to the last one, and somehow it still took 4 months! Wowee! The latest update features; The GREY...
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Hi everyone! I want to write a proper postmortem for The Creation of Wonder at some point, but that's going to have to wait. But in the meantime I wanted to say...
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Firelights wird Teil der Gratisrollenspieltag-Box sein. Daher findet im Zeitraum des GRT ein Sale auf Itch und in meinem Shop für Firelights statt, um die gedr...
The new edition of The Quiet Dream represents a significant evolution from its previous version. The updated rulebook features clearer rules, more precise termi...
Sooooooooo I now got a KOFI! so if anyone would like to support the project here's where!...
Welcome to Alpha 3, the GM section update! Finished just in time too! My goal was to get this update out before 2025, and I'm glad I managed to publish it on *s...
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The treasure section is now completely usable! Roll up hoards on the fly, or during adventure creation then place it along the party's path, well guarded by mon...
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So, looking at this game about a year later, I have no idea how Quarrel + Fable , as much as I love it, inspired it. The mechanics are almost verbatim the core...
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Good morning Reapers! Burnout Reaper now has a sister game that was just bloodily dumped into this world: DIGITAL ANGEL [<- Click the link to check it out!!] It...
Not much to it, just added new art! Kudos go out to Gav van Saxen for the creepy Elder Scarab...
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Herein find the first draft of 36 weapons for use with the game. Weapons List D66 Weapon Range Shots Damage Traits Consumable Weapons 11 Brassbomb 1 1 +2 Blast...
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The main content of Ail has been finished! The project currently contains: - Core gameplay - 2 Optional (bonus) rules Next Steps: Updating the art within the mo...
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Some stuff was off in the 1.02 update. 1.02 Hotfix - The guardian has had it’s ace updated. - Swarm has had it’s name changed back to swarm. - Will-O-Wisp n...
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A meaningful update went live just now, we have worked together with Erwin_the_German on a review of the project. He did a very thorough proofread on the zine...
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Three years ago, I made the genesis of EMPLOYEE. As a one-page RPG, it was an achievement for me. I create something that I made on my own. I took time to read...
Today I uploaded a (very) simple map for the dungeon. The map in the booklet itself is, I realize, quite artsy and more of a design exercise than something that...
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We added 6 pregens! Check em out, and share whatever characters you whip up over on the server:
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I've uploaded a new version of the rules after fiddling a bit with the weapons. Firstly, the base stats have been adjusted to give a bit more variety to both nu...
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Introducing New Monsters Beast-Kin are the “humanoids” of the Crowns universe . I always felt that the word “humanoid” felt too sci-fi, I don’t think...
Please visit the campaign of my last board game on Kickstarter, FOUR DWARFS: ------------------------...
February Devlog: Romance, Rivalries, and Spooky Love Now that the Archive doors are open, we’re turning our attention to what’s next: the first of our Codic...
A lot of very bad things have been happening here in the United States of America, bad things with global impacts. In a democratic republic, every election has...
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Amici che facciamo? Nel senso impaginiamo Void Horror? Lo avete letto? Provato? Prima di procedere vorrei sapere se dobbiamo procedere o no. È un manuale impeg...
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Howdy! As is stated above, this will be the first of hopefully few rules updates. I've added rules for Injuries, Duels, Horses, and Skirmishes. Until next time...
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In preparation for Gamicon Selenium (February 28 - March 2, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency Coralville Hotel & Conference Center in Coralville, IA), we're updating o...
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Hello All! With more folks playing I updated and added … Updated Rules pamphlet A few clarifications, some title and attribution updates, and a few changes to...
Added a introductory adventure for the system!...
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Hoy en una partida, el laberinto se ha hecho muy extenso, posiblemente demasiado. Así que hemos decidido quitar cartas que tenían acciones duplicadas. La bara...
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Don’t forget to subscribe ! Tricktaking is one of the older forms of gaming, and is having something of a resurgence in the modern board game world as of late...
Durante o final do mês passado e o início do vigente eu preparei algumas adaptações para Contos do Leste, uma tendo as fichas para os personagens de InuYash...
Hello All, and Happy Valentines Day! I just checked, and it looks like my last Devlog post was 77 days ago. Whoops. It's not for nothing, though - I have quite...
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