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  • This board is not for issues with individual games or projects. hosts hundreds of thousands of games, if you need to contact a developer directly consult their game's page.
  • Private information can not be shared on this board. If you need to talk to someone at about private account information then you must contact support. Create a topic here only if you'd like help from the community.
  • Before you create a topic asking why you can't find your game in Search or Browse READ THIS: If you still need to create a topic about it, then please write in your post that you read the docs and you still have a question, otherwise we'll close your topic. Then, tell us why you believe your pages should be indexed.
  • No discussion of account restrictions, bans, etc. If our moderator team has put a limitation on your account then it's a private matter and not up for discussion on our public community. Contact support if you need to discuss the limitation or make an appeal. 
  • Please do not create topics asking how long it will take for support to reply to you. Different questions may take different amount of time to respond, typically we will respond within a 1-3 days but it may take longer depending on the type of issue. If you haven't already, search for existing topics or check to FAQ to ensure that your question has not been answered elsewhere. To ensure that you request is tied to your account and prioritized appropriately, please contact us using the email address you have connected to your account. If you still need to make a topic about a Support Request, you must include your ticket ID with your message.

For technical issues with the site we also have an issues tracker on GitHub, but feel free to make a topic here too. 

8,614 topics · Next page
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Hello, This topic needs no response and is only here for helping others attempting to log in. As I had just been experie...
started by Afiaki 9 days ago
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Hey, everyone. Lately people keep asking certain questions about their games not being visible on the site. Please read...
started by No Time To Play Sep 17, 2024
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The general question is: as a dev, if multiple users are entering conflict in the comments section of my game, how shoul...
started by komehara May 12, 2022
5 replies
Hi, my demo just got a 1-star review and the user writing that the menu buttons don't work for them. I tested all my inp...
started by Sword & Quill 22 hours ago
2 replies
Title says it all, something seems to be blocked regarding payouts but nobody is giving answers (support request #...
started by rembrandx 12 hours ago
4 replies
My payout has now been stuck in review for more than 26 days and it’s supposed to take 10-14 days according to the too...
started by Martin Buck Software 58 days ago
15 replies
Hello, a strange problem has occurred, I recently published my new asset and all my previous assets stopped being indexe...
started by Snakerser 2 hours ago
2 replies
Hello, every time I’ve tried to upload an image for quite literally anything on the site, it shows red text saying “...
started by Jakester 4 hours ago
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How do I unsubscribe from these mailing lists? And how do I prevent getting on them in the first place? The last thing I...
started by Moxop 1 day ago
5 replies
So I was gonna download some games that updated and when I click the download button, it doesn't even download. I tried...
started by Deerggo 17 hours ago
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I feel like it’s generally a good way for small studios to get stronger together.
started by Cigla Studio 18 hours ago
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The rest of the website is fine, but for some reason my dashboard is entirely in greyscale. Below is a screenshot of my...
started by Pop Shop Packs 11 days ago
44 replies
Hi everyone, I have recently uploaded my first portrait orientation web game here, and it appears that the game gets cut...
started by GameCells 1 day ago
2 replies
Whatever I choose between "Portrait" "Landscape" "Default", it always turns to full-screen and Landscape, I want it to b...
started by OrangeHinata 1 day ago
5 replies
3 replies
How Can l Fix This When l Try To Post This Pops-Up Thank You For Your Post It Must Be Approved By A Moderator Before It...
started by Rafael124 1 day ago
1 reply
I am in the second round of a game jam (20 hours left). I have been exporting and uploading my game from Construct 3 as...
started by MessMess 4 days ago
6 replies
I'm new to using and uploaded my first project yesterday. I want to change the name of the files and remove the...
started by Ronimatur 1 day ago
1 reply
Bueno yo quería descargar un juego llamado The kid at the back pero al ingresar mi tarjeta y todo lo que pide no me apa...
started by Mill1000 1 day ago
1 reply
Might be a small one but this has got me stumped I've been testing how my game looks when played on a phone and it weird...
started by tonyfinale 1 day ago
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Good Morning I have issues with payment. One of my PAID App has been downloaded but it doesnt results any payment. Good...
started by lucianosimone143 1 day ago
3 replies
Hi all, one of the games I collaborated in isn´t showing on my profile. Answers to past questions about this mentioned...
started by Plati 26 days ago
2 replies
I've tried to find LonaRPG on, but search bar is not giving any results, but if I search for LonaRPG on...
started by silicongluee 2 days ago
3 replies