Tiny Library: Tiny Expansion is an ongoing experimental project. It is the spiritual successor of Tiny Library and Tiny Tome but will be run in a slightly different way - released in small packs of 36 cards by Long Tail Games.
These packs are available for sale via The Gamecrafter.
This is a jam to collect submissions. If you've made (or want to make) a single-card TTRPG fragment, this is the place for you!
What is a 'relationship' in this context?
Really that's for you to decide! My definition would be anything that informs or defines the interactions between 2 or more characters. Some examples: feuding siblings; pageant queen contestants; loyal customer and fiercely price-competitive shopkeeper; those with a life debt owed to somebody who saved them; retirees from a specific career such as the circus; naive true believer and jaded cynic. Create something that explains how player characters or NPCs get along together!
What is a TTRPG fragment?
It's a single card that stands alone and could be added to an existing roleplaying game.
The card can include special rules, custom mechanics, artwork, tips about how to use the card - or it could be pure vibes that the player needs to work out.
Anything goes, friends. There are no rules in the jungle of game design! However, there are terms for this jam...
IMPORTANT: Please read and agree to the licensing agreement at this link before submitting. You will need to submit an agreement for each jam.
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