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TTRPG User/Creator Introductions Sticky

A topic by Zeshio created Mar 16, 2019 Views: 13,730 Replies: 166
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(2 edits) (+12)

Hello everyone! I thought this might be a great thread to start because as a creator I'm always looking to make new connections and talk about projects/collaboration. And if you're not a creator, it'd be cool to hear what draws you to ttrpgs and what you like playing!

My TTRPG experience started when I got thrown into a 2E DnD campaign when I was in college 15? years ago, and ever since I've been really interested in the area, mostly as a player and sometimes DM. 

Looking to explore more of the creative space in TTRPGs, I started creating pixel art projects for Roll20 and for Hex Kit two years ago. Lately, I've been exploring more independent creation of TTRPG content, mostly DnD 5E. I've been challenging myself to stretch out into traditional illustration, layout, and writing. 

Mostly, I'm excited to learn from others and make sweet TTRPG content!

On a more personal note, I live in the Pacific NW, I'm a vegetarian Hindu, and I love cooking. I love reading and comics, and basically would die if I'm not creating stuff. (He/Him)

You can find me on:
Twitter: @Zeshio
Discord: Zeshio #9351

I'm always up for chatting or helping other creatives out. Looking forward to hanging out with everyone!


A good afternoon to us all!

I'm Samuel Mui aka @babblegumsam (on Twitter and Instagram), a South Easy Asian RPG designer from Malaysia. Devoted Christian/Agnostic and Writing student.

I was first exposed to TTRPGS (specificially GURPS) from a webcomic called Irregular Webcomic and I officially joined the Malaysian community as a GM in 2016. I also organize local events for GMs to develop our skills.

I run mostly PbtA games and little else! My favourites include Monster of the Week, Kult Divinity Lost, and City of Mist.

My games focus around introspective explorations of the self and how we relate to others and crack-level psychedelic horror/nonsense. I'm currently working on a PbtA-hack called Magical B*tches, a game about psychics trying to save the world while battling their own flaws and emotions.

I've recently released a game called Word Wizardz forNora Blake's March of the Wizards 2k19 Game Jam. Check out other games there as well! A lot of great stuff.

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Hello everyone! 

I'm Raph D'Amico (he/him) a.k.a. raphdamico (original, I know), designer of digital things and story games in San Francisco. Infinite love for mechs, metaphors, and play to lose. Really excited for this new community and a chance for smaller, weirder, less mainstream games & creators to thrive. 

Thanks DC for shepherding us over here!

I've been into storygames for only a few years, more seriously in the last year discovering the amazing world of larping (I will never forget this one) and for the last year have been working on my own game called THE ZONE, a game of collaborative self destruction and love letter to all weird & dangerous exclusion zones (think Annihilation, Roadside Picnic, Stalker...)

And yeah—#sadMechJam was awesome. Hope I have time to make something for Short Rest jam!


Hi, I'm Tyler, aka Zargo Games, aka Zargo (he/they). I've been designing homebrew tabletop content since high school (though I only started publishing in college) and have worked on homebrew stuff Star Wars Saga Edition, Pathfinder, D&D 5E, and Dungeon World. Now I'm largely focused on creating my own original games, and I'm working on a PbtA game inspired by Jurassic Park where you play as the security staff at a dinosaur park trying to stop everything from going to hell. I also designed a game for the March of the Wizards 2k19 jam called Wizard University Welcome Week!

I'm bi and have been exploring my gender identity and expression, so hopefully that's something I can work into my games in the future.

You can find me
on Twitter: @sorryjzargo
on Discord: sorryjzargo#6433

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hey everyone! i'm marn (she/her pronouns). i've been playing ttrpgs for about four years now, though i've been doing play-by-post roleplay in various forms since roughly 2004-2005! i've tooled around with various homebrew systems/vague hacks of existing systems, but last year's 200 word rpg challenge was the first time i actually ventured into writing my own game for real. for that i wrote banquo at the feast, a shakesperian tragedy "hack" of quick, narrative party games like mafia and werewolf! i also wrote two games for the record collection jam back in january - the dark sentencer (a tarot-based narrative game about escaping space prison), and pick of destiny (a fantasy battle game about rocking demons' faces off). i've also been noodling around with a lasers and feelings hack based on humans vs zombies, a larp/nerf tag game i helped mod for like four years.

i also write a ton (like, a ton) of stuff that isn't games, and i co-host a podcastabout immersive fiction and alternate reality games! you can find me on twitter @corpserevivers.


hi i'm erika i'm gay, i play games to feel sad and kiss girls


Hey we've played Masks together! 👋 from Alloy Ally


"isn't that everyone's goal"?  ;-)

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My name is Riley Hopkins, I use He/They pronouns and I design games and create podcasts! I made Interstitial: Our Hearts Intertwined (which should be done soon), and some other smaller games, and am the host of the RPG Design Friends podcast! I'm also on a fe actual plays and other podcasts, but yeah!

Twitter: RevRyeBread

Website: Linksmith Games


I’m Atlas (he/thon) or koboldtime, @koboldtime on twitter. 

I’ve only been designing for just over 6 months and only been playing for about a year, but I’ve made quite a few games since then. I’m currently working on my first big game a forged in the dark game tentatively titled Oops All Warlocks. I stream my game design on thursdays. 

I also produce a podcast found @playtestpower called Playtest Power Hour where we playtest games. It’s half an excuse to play games with my friends and half a way for me to support the community by providing playtests.

I’m hoping i won’t be too nervous to post here in the future.


Don't feel too nervous, there's a lot of great people who are willing to help and make connections!


Hey! I'm Nat, I've been playing TTRPGs since probably fifth grade? Due to limited materials at the time we had to make our own, very bad system. I like to think my design skills have improved since then. I mostly run PbtA stuff, but I also run a D&D 5e campaign for some friends. Right now, I'm not working on an actual sellable product, just some game jams when I can. Hopefully that changes soon enough though.

I'm a trans girl, she/her. This comes up somewhat sporadically in my stuff, depending on how intense my dysphoria is at the moment haha.

My twitter is @TinManOz4, and if you want any of my other social media you can DM me.

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Alex/transistence/Aket depending on platform. Pronouns are e/em/ere. The sad mech jam here was the first time I'd published one of m own games for $, and I hope to coninute doing so and supporting others doing so. Previously, I've participated in a lot of anthologies and done some other freelancing. This will likely be one of my more active online presences, but you can find me on Discord at Aket#3324 or on Twitter @transistence.

Right now I'm working on a late entry for March of the Wizards about stacking dice to build a wizard tower, a Short Rest game about a pair of mittens, and two longer term projects that I hope to have on itch someday.

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Hey All,

I'm Andrew C (@halflingcaravan on Twitter and all over the place) and I've been creating stuff for D&D3.5E, D&D5E, and working on my own RPG game system (Beta Maxx Engine which I've got cartridges for X, Death, -thulhu, and other concepts ready to go) as well as  card game projects like Lost Stories, The Other World Game, and in tinkering with a Gotcha Heist Game. 

I'm looking to do more Cooperative Game creation, teaming up with Artists, Editors, and other Writers. If you're looking for people to work with, I'm really wanting to get a diversity of people around me working on projects together because I think it makes for better games.

Edit: He/Him. Responds well to coffee, dark chocolate, cheesecake, debates, and randomness.


Hey! I'm Dora (tho I publish things as S. Gates). I've been seriously playing TTRPGs for over a decade. I cut my teeth on D&D 3.5E, but it's only been in the past year and a half that I've started getting into indie stuff. I've GMed a couple of Dungeon World games and have done a Masks one-shot, but the loves of my life are GMless and storytelling games.

Like a lot of folks, #sadmechjam was my first instance of publishing anything on, but I'd been working on Things, Eldritch and Terrifying for quite a while before that.

Anyway, I'm super stoked about this community. I can be found on Twitter @harpydora. Come say hi!


I'm JR, and I just recently started making my own games. I like mechanics that have a physical aspect (most evident in my newest game, cementville) and I like Jewish stories. My hope over the next year, aside from game jam stuff, is to finish the two projects I started last year: a Jewish fantasy OSR setting and a Pretty Little Liars RPG. You can find me on twitter @wrestlingbubble. Let me know what you think of my games. I'm new and I know I can improve and your feedback is invaluable.  


I'm Brian, I write a webcomic called The Sisters as well as an adventure table-top gaming blog called the Goatman's Goblet. I'm almost always open for collaboration, and can be contacted at BrianWriter#6900 on Discord. I recently published Rakehell, a KNAVE zine on here. I'm sort of an OSR of the newblood variety, kind of a 2016 onward individual via my blog. I've worked on the METATOY/LARA systems before making content for them; and I'm really getting into Troika. I like doing research projects and making big random generator tables. 

I also have a ton of artist contacts, in case anyone ever needs one of those for hire. 


Your web comic is beautiful, looking forward to reading more!




Hello there, I'm Chris. (he/him). I started playing TTRPGs about 5 years ago. I'm always eager to try new games. I work with a creative partner on D&D supplements and adventures. We made a monster cookbook last year. I'm hoping to start work on a fully fledged game soon!

You can catch me on twitter @herewegomez8

Or Discord herewegomez#9683

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Hi folks,

I'm Bogdan aka Syfro (he/him), and I've been playing TTRPGs since I was about 10 years old. Early on mostly forms of D&D, but later branching out into PbtA systems, Blades in the Dark, White Wolf games, and more. I'm currently working on a detective fiction based TTRPG called Grey Cells that focuses on investigation and helping the GM make awesome mysteries. This is my first game project that I'll be releasing and publishing and so far I'm really happy with how it's going!

I'm looking forward to getting more involved with the TTRPG community, helping people, getting feedback and working together to make TTRPGs even more awesome!

You can find me on Twitter @SometimesSyfro, or on Discord as Syfro#5329 :)


Hey everyone,

Michael here (he/him). I've been playing ttrpgs for about 10 years now. Started with 4th ed. D&D and soon after started making custom character classes and rules. I'm currently working on a cyberpunk hack of Blades in the Dark (my current favourite system) called Neon Black. You can follow development of Neon Black on Twitter.

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Like it says on the tin; I'm Levi (he/him).

Playing for...   30-odd years.   Been hacking what I run the whole time; the point at which that became what any given person would call design is, uh.  Fuzzy.

Have been publishing on DTRPG for a good long while, mostly small, free, or PWYW; a number of sources told me "You should look at Itch".  So I'm...  Looking at Itch.


I hope it treats you well! In my experience, the community here is more willing to pay you for what you're worth, so don't undersell yourself! Looking forward to your work.

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I found your play aids for Otherkind based play great. I am working on something similar, from the perspective of Themes instead of Skills. Say, like Mesopotamians.

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