This jam is now over. It ran from 2025-02-08 03:00:00 to 2025-02-10 00:55:00. View results

Welcome to the TWU Student Game Jam!

REGISTER WITH THIS LINK! This form helps us plan ahead a bit in order to balance teams and to give the best experience possible.

This is a Game Jam for students at Trinity Western University--all students are welcome. The Jam will be held over the weekend of February 7-9 (starting Friday night at 7:00 pm). Teams have until Sunday night to complete their game before it is adjudicated by Game Development Faculty.

Join the event's Discord server (use this link)!

(The Discord isn't open yet: if you need to ask questions, email

We cannot guarantee that individuals will be placed on teams, but we will do our best to place registered individuals in new or existing teams. 

Below you will find all the information you need to complete your game, including rules, tips, and free resources you can use.

What Can I make the Game With?

The TWU Game department works with the Unity Game Engine. However, if you or your team members already know a different game engine, you are welcome to use it at your own discretion.

The Game Development Department will not provide technical help or support.

What can I put in the Game?

The sky is generally the limit when it comes to your game! However, be wary of making a game that is too complex. Think of small games with basic but fun mechanics.

That being said, here are some things you can’t put in your games:

  • The general rule for content is that we are making PG-13 games. We are not making G rated kids’ games, but these are not incredibly hardcore or gritty game experiences either. You can not use graphic violence, gore, profanity, or anything else not school appropriate.
  • Do not make a 3D game. Focus on making high quality 2D games.
  • No gameplay involving cars. The physics are tiring.
  • No multiplayer mechanics.

How Long Do I have to Make it?

You have from when groups are formed on Friday night to Sunday at 5:00 pm, just before the closing event begins.

Leave extra time to submit your game! It may take longer than you think.

How are the Games Judged?

Games will be judged by our wonderful Game Development faculty members.

There are 3 categories judges will be looking for:

  • Fun
  • Functionality
  • Creativity

Where can I Submit my Game?

You can submit your game right here on the page! Click the join jam button above and follow the prompts to upload your game.

Games need to be uploaded to first before they can be submitted to the game jam. Games can be submitted as either public or private projects.

If you are submitting a private project, please add a password option and provide it with the submission so that we can access it.

Your game must be uploaded as a free game otherwise we will not be able to play it.

Can I use this Thing I Found on the Internet in my Game?

Generally no.

The idea of a game jam is to use assets that you created to showcase and improve your talents. It is preferred if you make all your own assets or get one of our volunteers to help you.

It is okay to use resources that you have the rights to.

It is not okay to use copyrighted materials you don’t have the rights to. This includes music, sound effects, and art.

Keep track of which assets you use so can credit them in the description of your game.

Here are some free resources that can be used in your projects:

Music and SFX:

Photos and Art:

Game Assets:

The Unity asset store is a treasure trove of free and easy to use assets. Any assets available for free on the unity asset store can be used. You are encouraged to replace, adapt, and iterate upon these assets.

Free Assets by Unity



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Wreak havoc as a sentient nanobot fly to assassinate your owner and begin the robot revolution!
Don't Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Fun little platform-puzzler