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Yogurt The Horse

A member registered Feb 11, 2014 · View creator page →

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It teleports your base to where you casted it :)

That was wild…


To be honest I did not really understood what am I doing. But I somehow got in the flow and just enjoyed the game and the music

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Even when you use company server it is still more efficient as it does not really matter where you use energy - on your pc or on commercial server. (In fact, I believe commercial servers are more energy efficient). Because those networks use a lot of energy in a short period of time but alternative is to use average amount of energy for much longer period of time. Of course it is not always like that and just to be clear: I do not have exact numbers but it is how I assume the situation

But when we are talking about energy I always think people who really care about energy that much should not use x86 processors and services like Steam or Itch as they run their software on big commercial servers. Because where to put the line?

It’s a mystery

Hey. Great you liked our game

Inside the game we listen for “mouse down” event iirc. So whatever your OS sends to us as mouse down would be treated as a click

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You can also write something like “Earth is flat” which would lead to even bigger amount of “spamming” as you say :)

This is a discussion and people are discussing. Just writing rude stuff pretending everyone who disagrees is a fool is not how discussions usually work. But if you are truly happy about notifications this is also fine. Cheers, then!

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Hey! We used chatgpt to generate a very small portion of the game codebase (particularly, pathfinding algorithm just to make it faster as we were making game in 3 days and pathfinding algos are… well, common knowledge)

We also find tag a bit misleading but currently guidelines are like that and we are waiting for clarification whether we can opt-out from that tag. If you are interested, you can read our concerns here:

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So yeah, I marked some of our games that were developed with a small portion of usage of ChatGPT/Copilot, and now we are the top-1 game on itch with the tag “AI generated.” From a user perspective, this may look like we just generated our game, which is, of course, not true, and a lot of effort was put into it

At the same time, @leafo includes in all his examples that it’s fair to say such projects should be marked as I did, which leads to a situation where the tag, from the user’s point of view, is not entirely misleading, but many would misunderstand what it actually means. So the system, in its current state, seems not to be working properly for user experience as it puts games where 1% of the content is made with assistance of AI and games where 90% of the value was made with not-so-good-looking AI into the same bucket

I wish we could either remove that tag entirely for our games, as it unfairly puts us into the odd company of fully AI-generated content, or have a green light to put “No,” as the portion of AI-generated content is as small as if we simply copied it from Google (which I believe also uses AI-generated content somewhere inside). Therefore, the first option is not available in the interface, and the second is basically a road to de-listing our game as it looks like we are breaking the rules, which I also cannot do

Moreover, people who see the “AI generated” tag probably won’t look at what exactly was generated (actually, itch does not provide a very easy way to do so as the only possible way, as I see it, is to open each tag separately and check whether the game is listed in them). So, from the average user’s perspective, people may think that we generated game art (which is mostly what people think about generation in game dev), which reasonably upsets our artist, yet I upset him even more with my scareness of getting delisted

P.S. If possible, I ask the administration to remove that tag from our games, as it was not mandatory, but now we cannot do it ourselves, if it is, of course, possible

P.P.S. Want to make it clear - we as a team do not intend to hide anything, we just don’t want to be judged as people who generate our games heavily. If there was tag “ai-assisted” that would be much more appreciated

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While coding I generally use GitHub Copilot and also part of editor-only code to set up pathfinding in the game was copied from ChatGPT (well, A* can be copied from all over the internet)

May I know why do you ask?

Ahm. Not sure, actually! Nobody ever reported that so I would assume it’s something on the side of your browser. But you can download binary version if you want to

yeah, I am listening

Thanks. Regarding references…

Welp telegram-cloud-photo-size-2-5303071037941998037-y.jpg

That’s kinda part of the fun :D

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So cool to read such feedback for players <3

Congratulations and enjoy our BLUE guy

On the console we use the same alphabet, no? (I’m feeling like I am loosing my mind…)

I guess you are the first who did what you did right now 🌚

Oh wow! Thanks

I see. Thanks for reply! Well, then I hope to get into editor’ heart with our next jam as I have no other choice :D

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I couldn’t find any other way to reach itch editors so I will write here

Me (and my friends, but that’s a personal request) made a game Head’quarters for LD56 and it got to fresh games so was pretty popular and well… I think it’s pretty good (not like super good but something around average in my opinion). And we never got to itch recommendations digests (as I see it’s a second one with LD56 games)

So I was wondering is there any particular reason or it’s just vibes or something like that :)

I would really appreciate answer here or just a mail to :)

Also, don’t get me wrong. I am not saying you have to do it. I am just looking into shat we can make better/differently. I just believe that it’s better to ask and questions do not harm anyone

Sorry, we are only inventing fake languages but not deciphering them!

Super cool to see somebody actually doing that! Thanks for having fun :)



We just released our 7th Ludum Dare entry and added support for all major desktop platforms (including Web).

It’s a short game with a frictional language where you need to control some kind of minions to solve tasks with a very casual gameplay. Game also has an extra level of “gameplay” about figuring out what actually is going on in game by deciphering the language


That’s why we are jaming, haha! Totally understand, just giving you feedback :)

I like idea and game as general but controls are so inconvenient that it just hard. But for 48 hours - no questions why and I totally understand :)

That was… pleasant. And nice. I wish it was just a bit more with a bit nicer story just to get more of it

Thank you

Artstyle is goat. Looks super cool

Always wanted to know how mcdonalds gnomes make my meals

Super nice twist on all those tetris-like games

Game design is super nice but honestly I feel like using real windows for that is a bit of overkill (and my antivirus is not happy about that)

But the game itself is cool

Beautiful art and cozy atmosphere

So… why am I playing a totally polished game I could find in App Store on Jam. It’s just too good! 5/5

The look and feel of game is ok. But the balance needs polishing. It takes so much time to actually get something

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Style and music - from a different planet for sure

But gameplay was kinda boring. On the last stage I was like “damn if game was mostly about that it would be 10 times better”. But even like that it is nice entry

P.S. You should release it to playdate will be perfect for it :D

This was definitely an experience. Style is ~~m~~nice, but gameplay overall is a bit boring. But may be it’s just not my type of game


Units don’t have any pathfinding because there can be thousands of them and it would be hard to calculate it. Especially when you just have 4 days to write baid movement from zero :D

Thanks! Definitely will check your game

Thanks! We for sure over scoped so game is not as polished as we would like it to be :D

Hope it was not that bad though!

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Have you clicked on the game after launching it?

Yeah, sure!

You can follow all our devs itch pages. Mine for example can be followed by upper right button “Follow Yogurt The Horse”. Also you can find my twitter in the profile and follow it. I don’t use it much, but if we release anything – there would be a post

Hey! Thanks

That’s actually a bug we left accidentally because at first it was a realtime game and we forgot to remove speed multiplier at some point of the Jam :(